Found some stuff from a show a Replacements show I went to in Champaign (home of the fabulous University of Illinois) in 1985. Tickets were a lot cheaper then.

They played at a place called Trito's, which was a bar on the second floor of a Green Street building.

They gave us a program! Isn't that cute?! The inside of the program helpfully gave us their bio, in case we (at their concert) didn't know who they were:

I remember the show pretty well, and while they certainly were "loose," the show wasn't the messy drunken affair that the Replacements had a reputation for. (Saw that one a few years later in Chicago.) It was a really great show, in a very small venue. Tommy looked like he was about 17. Bob was alternating between wailing on his guitar and a bottle of beer. Oddly, I don't remember much about Paul Westerberg. I also don't remember anything about the opening band, the Outnumbered. Sorry, local Champaign guys!
You said you don't remember much about Paul Westerberg. I think he was a member of The Replacements. I hope that helps. ;-)
That's awesome.
How come they didn't thank Molly Ringwald in their program?!?!
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