From the enclosed booklet: "Gee, it almost takes our breath away when we think of the old time circus that our childhood knew and loved. From the time that the gaudy posters heralded the coming of that circus we were on the tiptoe of expectancy."
Dear reader, I don't want to leave you on the tiptoe of expectancy, so let's jump ahead a few pages: "The country girls, their finery crumpled by the long day in town, blushed when some old farmer teasingly bantered the awkward young escorts. And then--the grand entry! Do you remember how the next hour thrilled you and how it danced by on feet that seemed shod with fairy wings?"
Don't know how they make shoes out of fairy wings, but I think I'd like to watch.
Jesus! That is so freakin' bizarre!
Those were the days tho, where they really took their time to craft meaninful prose on the back of an album cover, or on the insert...
:: waxes nostalgic ::
That is one crazy-scary album cover, IMHO. Run away, little lad!! Freakish relative of Pennywise, Stephen King fans? You decide ...
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